New Moon-Two Suns

two-suns--futatsu-no-taiyo-kimberly-abbottToday’s Pisces New Moon is now going to set the tone for how we’re going to live in the new paradigm.

It’s especially appropriate because Pisces represents that vast ocean of feelings and needs that make up our humanity.

Pisces is our return to the Source of Life, the vast Collective Unconscious; when we dive in, we come back with the treasures we discover there, treasures that can be the foundation of our new life.

On March 11, 2013, today, we had a New moon in Pisces at 21 degrees Pisces at 12:51 PST.

Astrologers say that this New Moon signals a time of new and greater development. There is a desire to take action and instigate something fresh, be it a small modification in the way of daily routines or making changes large enough to impact a whole new life.

The energy is right for making impulsive passages and following our higher dispositions. This is the time to act from our soul and trust the progression – time to take a risk, and put it out there.

As most of you do know I have been taking a hiatus from my intense Innerworld life of the past 7 years or more. I am now trying to be more productive in the outer world. Working on making a living, and being more business and outward focused.

Everything has it’s time and place, and being is this Pisceian dreamy place is great for visioning about the new paradigm and what is ahead for humanity. My knowing tells me that however hard I focus on the material reality, it all still comes back to my Soul and being a good person in my heart and doing the right thing for the whole.

Since  I have been putting my attention on the idea of making money so I can survive in this 3-d reality, I have also been seeing more and more of the world’s games, corruptions and cover ups.

This is what happened for me taking the job in Malibu, California last year. I was so happy to finally get the job of my dreams at this beautiful 5 million dollar retreat/goddess temple. So much money….and beauty….. and the entire thing was a front for a big New York bankers money laundering affair for his previous Mistress. How was I to know it was another form of corruption that I had stepped into? After that experience I became disappointed in humanity, and in my path….trying to understand the lesson.

So for these past 3 months I have been outer focused. Being a ‘normal’ working human – sort of letting go of the spiritual promptings of my Inner Messages and Visions.

I vowed to myself on the New and Full Moons I would still spend some time with the Higher Beings in the InnerWorld and listen to the latest news and promptings.

Yesterday and today, the most  interesting  messages came in….. I am experiencing  news about the ‘Shift’ of  our planet-  this “Cosmic Shift’ we have been awaiting for a long time now.  The one triggering a shift in Consciousness that is still yet to happen. I got prompted  to write about this  once again…….after  something I heard yesterday about ‘being prepared’ for the pole shift.  I thought I was over it  after 2012 came and went…..but not quite.

I am not a doomsdayer- really more of a ‘daydreamer of the New Earth’ in a positive sense and I am certainly not afraid of death. I welcome that in fact for myself. ( We all have to face that inevitability)  but not for my friends, family or the entire earth in fact.

Yet, I am alive and have a purpose with gifts and talents, and maybe I do feel I ought to survive and be prepared for a pole shift just in case of ‘the Big One’ that I have been privy to for so long now. I do have family and friends to share with what I a seeing in the innerworld….  I try to say what I know and hear without being too focused on the Negative.

Anyway, what I feel I have to say and put out to my blog and friends is that we are still about to have s Shift, Earth changes-  something really big is coming. Yes 2012 came and went and many have taken the focus off of  the idea of earth changes and a possible  pole shift.  Maybe this is what the ‘forces of manipulation’ wanted to have happen. So we would be less aware of what is about to come down on planet earth. So I am going to say that this new moon may be heralding a change for me around my reporting and blogging. I am feeling drawn to blog now more about what is going on in the outer world.  As a  kind of counter balance to what I have been blogging about for the past several years from the Innerworld, well since i first started blogging online in 2003 or 2004 I have been seeing this new reality coming.

So this is what I am feeling like sharing about to anyone out there in cyber land  interested in this subject:

So many humans all over the world  have been seeing two suns.  It has become a kind of strange underground phenomena that is not being talked about.   There are lots of Asteroids and Meteorites lately. Volcanic activity, earthquakes. Anyone paying attention?

Yes, people are seeing two suns on the horizon in certain places in the world and it is being kept out of the media? Why? Is there really something to this Niburu or Planet X talk?

Is there really a planet that comes around every 3600 years?

There has been a whole lot of weird stuff already this year.  For some reason I was prompted to  write this about preparedness late last year:  Emergency Essentials


If you would like to check this video out below for more information about all this and then check in with me and tell me what you think.  If you are not  into watching the entire video skip ahead to the ‘Two Suns” part at  6 minutes:05 sec.  into it.    I have been hearing and seeing a lot about two suns.  What do you all think is going on?   Wormwood, Asteroids?

What we all can do is become aware.  Be prepared for anything that might happen just in case.  Store seeds, water, bulk foods.   I am feeling inland Canada is a good place to live if this actually does happen.  What to know safer areas or more info:

I don’t know…..just saying…

jewel – March 11, 2013

About rhajaranijewel

Mystic Travel and 5-D Metamorph
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2 Responses to New Moon-Two Suns

  1. Deborah Berger says:


    I was just talking to a friend Saturday about the 2 suns that people were seeing in other parts of the world. I mentioned to her that I had been taking pictures of the sun for a couple of years now to see the second sun, which at times looked like it was directly behind our Sun. I have noticed how the Sun looks huge and is much hotter and brighter than before. And the solar flares are getting much stronger. My eye doctor told me i had damage to my eye from too much sun exposure in my lifetime and to get sunglasses to protect them from further damage. interesting because i’ve never had that problem before now.

    I don’t know much about Niburu but I do know that many people have been talking about this planet ever since 2010. I wonder if its really true and we aren’t being told the truth because as always, things are hidden from us only to benefit those who only in it for themselves…only if it makes them a profit. Sad but true.

    I am so sorry your dream job didn’t work out but I remember you telling me that you were so much happier when you moved back to Oregon. I am glad you are speaking your truth now and sharing the amazing gift you have .

    Thank you so much for sharing. I will tale the time to watch the vedeo and tell you how I feel afterwards.

    With love and many blessings, Debbie

    Sent from my iPhone

    • Thanks Debbie for taking the time to reply. So great to hear from you here. I wonder if it’s really true about Niburu and the Two Suns too. I have basically been interested it this since I first heard about it, when I first read Zacaria Stitchen’s book in the early 90’s actually. But have mostly ignored it lately. However after listening to a talk show on Coast to Coast am with Gordon James Giannimoto, Attorney, contractor and ET contactee I was back to thinking about it again. Below is an excerpt from that show.

      Attorney, contractor, and ET contactee Gordon James Gianninoto provided an update on what he knows about Planet X and the coming pole shift, the nature of gravity, Earth’s ‘dark twin,’ and why he believes the government is covering up imminent global catastrophe. The recent return of Planet X to our inner solar system, he alleged, has resulted in disruptions like universal climate change and a rise in solar activity that are merely a prelude to the calamities which will unfold once it gets even closer to Earth. But Planet X is not merely a rogue celestial body, Gianninoto declared, “it’s volcanic, atmospheric, and oceanic and it’s inhabited by tall, selfish humans.” These denizens of Planet X, he said, are actually the Annunaki, a race of space faring aliens that once had a colony on Earth and created human beings as slaves to mine for gold.

      According to Gianninoto, the Annunaki’s mistreatment of humans caused the “Council of Worlds, which are the unselfish extraterrestrials” to intervene and force them off of Earth by thwarting their projects on the planet. Unable to return to Planet X, these deposed Annunaki traveled to Mars to live and continue their gold mining, while they waited for their home world to return. Gianninoto claimed that these aliens brought their supplies and livestock with them to Mars, but eventually the marooned Annunaki died out there before they could rejoin their brethren on Planet X. Current images from the Mars NASA rovers, he said, show artifacts and debris from the Annunaki civilization that once lived there.

      Gianninoto revealed that the US government found evidence of Planet X in 1983, but it was quickly declared top secret via an executive order by President Reagan. However, the “Council of Worlds” have told President Obama that he must announce the truth about Planet X to the world, since it is getting closer to Earth and will soon cause a polar shift. Gianninoto suggested that, should there be an announcement about Planet X, the government will purposely avoid using that name for it, so that people do not find out about the impending global catastrophe. Regardless of the foreknowledge available, he warned that up to 90% of the population will die from the events caused by Planet X going past Earth. Fortunately for the survivors, he said, “unselfish ETs” subsequently provide help for the like-minded humans remaining on Earth.

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