Living from the Heart


There is a path to the Divine with in that can integrate the totality of human experience with out the fears and taboos of past religion to include joy, pleasure, love and plentitude.

For the past decades humanity has been working towards liberating itself from the confines of our past religious beliefs and our drive for materialism. The offerings of personal growth seminars, shamans, spiritual Ascended Masters and adepts, tarot readers, healers, crystals, mediation, yoga, Buddhism, Zen, Sufism, Hinduism, Chinese, medicine, Therapists, The New age is upon us and has created out of many authentic mystical traditions, a modge podge, of spiritual mixtures out there. We are aware of Kundalini rising, Mantras, yogas of all types, hundreds of types of Christianity, walking on fire, deities, dakinis, nature spirits, cabalistic forces, angels, talking with our passed relatives and still we are confused about the Truth of our Being. Fundamentally we are seeking the same Truth. We all truly desire to integrate the Life in our 21st century material reality with that of a more spiritual nature, a deeper more profound consciousness. How to experience bliss and pleasure and reconcile our emotional and sensory selves. We all do what it all…To feel truly Beautiful, Love, bliss, pleasure combined with peace, harmony, awareness and GOD. We really seek Divinity on all levels.

We can look around us and we see both those that have gone head long into the material pursuit of having all the ‘things’ one can have, all kinds of pleasure seeking to live out there passions to the fullest, They attach themselves completely to the material world only to find out that the attainment of each thing only brings another dissatisfaction, and Mick Jagger’s well loved song, I can’t get no satisfaction continues to be true for so many. Most of these materialists are also egoists and they often leave a trail of destruction behind them…..often we find ourselves envying their ‘Powers’ in the material world thinking there is a freedom in that success.

On the other side of the coin exists a world of religious fanatics and new age spiritualists seeking purification and release from suffering of the physical world. They strive to purify themselves of all desires and passions, to leave a small footprint, to be righteous and sublime. They proudly claim to be spiritual. Sometimes along with this comes an attitude of superiority, coldness and rigidity and a certain lack of spontaneity, which can make the virtuousness seem artificial, they can have mood swings and be on the fanatical side. Sometimes this path can be tipped out of balance all too easy with one little temptation and the whole thing unravels……It seems the problem is we must either choose the Body or the Spiritual, the realm of Spirit and Soul or the realm of the Physical, material world. It is rare that the hedonistic path or the spiritual quest with it’s rejection of the body ever truly bring us happiness or real joy. Most Mystics have from time immemorial been saying that there is a need to reintegrate the Love of the divine with that of the passion for living. The separation of the sensory nature and spiritual nature brings serious problems in both paths. Traditionally we have assigned a period of our lives to try out both paths, and disillusioned we allow our young people to try out their passion, desire, sensorality, knowing that one day they too will be like us, weary and surrendered out of obligation.

So what is the answer to our dilemma of humanity as we all do desire intrinsically the same or similar outcomes…… peace, love, abundance our true soulmate….So we have coined the term Material Mystic…… We are becoming Material Mystic’s! This is the teaching of Innerworld Ashram of Awakening  for the Material Mystic. I feel that what is happening now in this awakening of the Great Mother Matrix within is the answer to our Spiritual dilemma. The Divine Mother Matrix is all about present moment sensorality and physicality as well is completely integrated ONENESS, this is about True Divine Beauty. To be a divine human is all about the desires but in a present moment way of experiencing, rather than an endless seeking. It is a Being in consciousness that can bring us all that we seek, Now. Plentitude, True Love, health, wealth, youth, beauty, joy, bliss, pleasure and truth. This is the path of Divine Awakening and Integration, the path of Oneness. We are IT and awakening it within ourselves through the Ancient Mother’s awareness of Herself, Awakening Divine Consciousness from within the Matrix grid.

This teaching is about the guidelines I have gathered from many different sources to assist in this Divine Awakening so we are can become Whole. This is a how to guideline for all lost Souls out there (which all of us are) that could use a bit of help to remember the cues that we need to open the heart to receive it s own inner guidance as we are all programmed to remember the purpose of coming to the planet at this time. We are all here for one purpose. And that purpose is to take part in the Divine Awakening. These are the step by step guidelines that every human needs to get out of his own way and let go of the Ego mind and step into a heart based Holistic life.

The Steps to Wholistic Living from the Heart

1. Breathe!! Accept what is…Enjoy what is, and if you can be enthusiastic about it find a way. This keeps us in alignment with the Divine plan being as it is.

2. Surrender to your heart and let go of excessive Mentalizing and waste thoughts, suffering and petty conflicts. Think only uplifting, healthy, positive thoughts (this is the Practice!)

3. Stay in the present moment, Conscious, Present Awareness. Practice being conscious of everything you do. Breathing, eating, walking, touching something. Stay present as much as possible.

4. Tap into your intuition and Meditate find a spiritual practice that suits you and pray, meditate or connect to Source daily.

5. Detox yourself purify the physical body. Eat healthy, organic whole and living foods, do yoga, enjoy exercise, Dance and have fun!

6. Take time out to take care of yourself so you can heal from the past you. Think globally and heal the Whole.

7. Practice the Virtues and let go of the Vices. Release all addictive behavior patterns

8. Be in Service to the Whole, Find work that brings you heart and meaning Stay focused on your True Self, live a sustainable Organic wholistic Lifestyle.

9. Stay centered in the heart and connect to the heart of the Mother Matrix and Gaia through focus, intention and paying attention to this connection daily.

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