The Awakened Collective

It is Time – to upgrade our frequency and occupy the Oneness of True Self and tune into the Truth of our mission on this planet.

Truly all frequencies affect DNA and consciousness, as we are in a musical universal medium of dimension through the illusion of motion of dimension through frequency, which affects awareness. If you change frequency you can change the perception of dimension.

Sound it’s all around us, no matter what we do, or where we go. The vibrations of the molecules that generate the effects on our ears we call sound. But what if sound goes deeper than that? What about the aspect of sound that goes beyond what we can hear?

It is time to remember-  to awaken to the inner frequencies of  New Earth Matrix.

The Awakened Oneness Merger is a Collective at the Apex of Consciousness that we are now becoming aware  of- This is the New Reality that is fully coming into BEING. We are that Group Soul.  The Core Collective is moving thru this process of Re~Membering. The Diamond Soul of the Divine Creatrix, the Great Mother Matrix.  It is time to occupy the ONENESS and Truth of our Soul’s True Self and mission on this planet.

 The World’s noblest mission is  for the Divine Illumination. Building the Collective of Oneness of all Humanity. This is the Illuminating of the Group Soul Mind of the Mother Matrix.

The Heart Core, the Heart of the Central Grid, the Core, this is the Energy Source of our  upgraded operating system  for the  New Earth. This is the Collective of Oneness, the ‘Bridge’ that connects us to the ONE Mind, the Heart Core of the Mother Matrix  intelligence and New Merged Light of the ONENESS.

This soon to be re-instated program for Earth, is our original operating system, which is to once again replace current outdated ancient mind, and bringing in the Rainbow merged Light of all Light into ONE. This is the Light of the Central SUN. We have free will choice and we are being asked to choose it. Holding space for the Collective Oneness Consciousness is simple, the way to make spiritual connections to the new System being downloaded. is thru focus and being present with what is.
It means we have 2 choices to choose to get on board with the planetary evolution and share in the New Earth Plan or allow destruction to commence. We are being choosen from within our Soul Groups and Higher Self which is the Inner Dimensional Being that is in charge of our Divine Plan and the program from within the Mother Matrix.   This Grid or Matrix  is running the entire planetary system now.   Soon WE will realize what is happening as the old reality falls away.

This is what is  in connection with us at night in our dreams, in our meditations and through intuitions and other means. This is a Living Light Collective Mind Ship, and we are it.
We are the ONES that are being are called  into service to step up our own frequencies help others to make that connection to the New Earth Frequencies as well.   I recommend listening to Sacred Music to uplift the frequency while meditating on  Oneness while focus on the point between the brows.  The Pineal Gland activation.

The great spiritual masters of this planet have used  Divine Intonation to connect with the breath of spiritual attention through sacred chant and mantra to upgrade the frequency. A lot has been written on the A=432Hz tuning preference that is mathematically consistent with the Fibonacci series of numbers, and, therefore, universal design.  An expanded review of A=432Hz tuning finds it throughout the religious world according to many researchers. “One of the oldest uses of sound is for ceremonial and religious purposes. Whether the chanting of a Hindu mantra, the recitation of the Jewish cantor, a Christian hymn, or the call of a Moslem muezzin, sacred sound makes its way into all of the various world’s religions.  ‘The purpose of music in religious service is to raise the vibratory rate of a congregation upward through a series of overtones to a spiritual level.’

This Harmonic Music can assist us to reawaken us to the orchestra of our thoughts, in the cathedrals of our minds. Such musical harmonics may also resonate and upload one into a geometrical progression and harmonic to time, which is generally accepted to be the congruence of the amino acid/codon metabolism within the DNA double helix.

read about 432 hz here:
There are some of us that just know this is the truth of why we are here on Earth at this time as we are all working towards bringing this into a 3-D format.

We are invoking the presence of Oneness to show up in all areas of our life. It is almost as if you will feel it and know you are part of this, that you are being called do our part involving the new system that is being given.

This is about the Merger of all LIGHT ending darkness and bringing the Grid Core, the Heart Center of the Mother Matrix into total Consciousness. We are creating this anew.

Then there many of us that will step into our divine purpose We eventually are to go globally with this and bring it to the entire planet at this time.

Soon there will be the population in masses that with have the New System installed into their own Heart and they will simply pass it along.

Om Mani Padme Hum
(pronounced : OM – MAAAH – NEEEH – PAAAD – MEEEH – HUUUM)
Translated as: Hail to the Jewel in the Lotus-to the God Within.” By chanting this mantra, we connect with the vibratory powers of love, compassion and peace.


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