Working with Crystals

guardian Crystal

What do crystals and gemstones do?

Each crystal and gemstone has its own meaning, energy and vibration.  They are our Spirit Helpers and Guardians in Crystalline form.

Crystal gemstones, like all matter, are composed of tiny particles called atoms. When scrutinized closely, science tells us that these atoms (which are basic units of energy) are really subtle vibrations. Therefore, energy and matter are both the same – vibrations.

Interestingly, our bodies vibrate about seven times a second. The rest periods between these vibrations/pulses is thought to be when both inner wisdom and external guidance is accessed and integrated.

Scientists have long known that a crystal set in an energy field will magnify that energy while it emits it’s own unique vibrational electromagnetic energy. As crystal gemstones are worn on the body, their vibrational electromagnetic energies intermingle with the human electromagnetic field (aura) and this vibrational interaction is believed to be what triggers and stimulates changes in us.

Light is the highest form of energy known in our universe and crystals can reflect more light than anything on earth. Consequently, like a mirror, crystals are able to reflect and project light (or awareness) into our consciousness, helping us with our journeys towards enLIGHTenment.

Like attracts like. This is a law of the universe. How can you attract love, health, peace or abundance into your life if you are unfamiliar with these qualities?

We only ever attract what matches our current beliefs. Our thoughts and feelings have energy (and therefore a corresponding vibration) that attracts our life experiences.

We are like walking magnets, constantly attracting into our lives anything that happens to match our core or current vibrations (beliefs). Affirmations and other methods can help you to change but if you aren’t consistent, the old ingrained beliefs you have deep within will always take over again.

The power of gemstones is that they are a constant force. They consistently transmit a particular vibration, message, quality and they are unwavering in their persistence. It is for this reason that they can bring about deep changes by aligning you to a higher vibration that will help you move beyond your current old limiting beliefs and patterns.

Why Spirit Helpers?

Goddesses, gods, angels, fairies and power animals are archetypal sacred beings that hold and transmit a very high vibration and ray of light onto the world to help mankind.

The principle is that like attracts like. We only attract and resonate with people (or energies) already similar to us.

In order to get to a higher vibrational level you must interact with Masters of the qualities you wish to learn. Although these Crystal Spirit Helpers are Masters of many traits, each one is renown for excelling at particular qualities and virtues. Their purpose is to awaken the same qualities in you.

One of the issues in contacting the spirit world is that their vibration is very high and it is impossible for them to lower to our denser vibrations. To access their guidance we must raise our vibration to their level.
While working with your crystals, you will develop a personal relationship with your Spirit Helper. The goddess, god, angel, fairy or power animal will speak to you through their symbolism and myths, so it is important that you understand and resonate with this. You will find that the one you’ve chosen is never a coincidence!

Sacred geometry

Sacred geometry can be described as a belief system attributing a religious or cultural value to many of the fundamental forms of space and time. According to this belief system, the basic patterns of existence are perceived as sacred because in contemplating them one is contemplating the origin of all things. By studying the nature of these forms and their relationship to each other, one may seek to gain insight into the scientific, philosophical, psychological, aesthetic and mystical laws of the universe.

The Flower of Life is considered to be a symbol of sacred geometry, said to contain ancient, religious value depicting the fundamental forms of space and time. In this sense, it is a visual expression of the connections life weaves through all mankind, believed by some to contain a type of Akashic Record of basic information of all living things.

Sacred Geometry Platonic Solids Symbols

DodecahedronsHexahedronsIcosahedronsMetatrons CubeOctahedron CubesStar Tetrahedrons, Star Of David, Aura

Crystal Grid Layouts

A crystal grid layout is another tool to empower your sacred space and set magickal intent. Crystals can be used to charge objects, promote energy balance, or provide power for healing and empowerment. Any object or person within a grid’s field will automatically raise its vibration to a higher state of awareness and function.

How to Set Up a Crystal Grid

A basic crystal grid is comprised of quartz crystals. The main crystal acts as a power source from which the rest feed. This main crystal distributes its energies in lines to each of the surrounding crystals, creating the grid effect. It is important to have the crystal points facing each other to create this laser effect. Work in even numbers.


Each crystal and stone resonates at a certain vibration. These qualities include Spiritual resonance, working with the ascended realms, angelic presence, health, prosperity, love, and Ascension. Only work with stones and crystals associated with your goal or purpose for success when you are working with crystal grids.

Most grids are set up to match sacred geometric shapes, but this is not always necessary. The star of David or equal-armed cross are both common crystal setups. These are examples of how working in pairs will allow proper flow of energy lines without an “energy hole” in your grid.

Once you have chosen your power source and charged it, you can incorporate it into the grid. Center the crystal in the middle of your grid or in the center underneath the area where your grid is laid out. This allows the power to flow evenly.

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