About Jewel Rhajarani

Jewel Rhajarani is the creator/designer  of  this site called  ‘Innerworld‘ and inner-net voice for this message.

 I was thirteen years old in 1968 when I had my first ‘mystical’ experience of the Mother Matrix and came to realize We are all ONE, I have been a ‘receiver’ of these cosmic downloads ever since.  Sometimes, in the beginning not understanding what I was seeing in the visions, but knew it was of my deepest Soul and I desired to know more……it has been a long strange Trip, believe me, but I can see the Light of a New Dawn!

In 1998 I had a message from the Beings of Light in a direct contact vision, while sitting in  the  field of the Horse Ranch we owned in Southern Oregon.  I was told simply, IT IS TIME. I was living the good life at the time, I thought.  Had everything I could want or need.  Was going to dinner several times a week to the fine restaurants in Ashland,  just enjoying my material life.

After the message,  I started to cry sitting there in the field that day.  I knew exactly what ‘They” meant …….It had to do with the part I would play in the coming shift, but I wasn’t ready to give it all up…….but in spite of my readiness or not ….My world starting to change.   Everything changed actually,  my life went into a Dark night of the Soul, and everything for me turned upside down. Yes, I totally  knew what ‘They’ meant when they told me it is ‘Time” but I was not ready to give it up, the old world, I had everything I desired in those days,  but I did eventually, everything dropped away until materiality did not even make sense to me anymore.

After much change and turmoil from ’98 through 2005 I had gone though a huge internal shift, as the visions increased.  Then about 6 years ago, these visions became so  real, that I began to drop out of the old ways I was living  almost completely to focus on  my Spiritual Path  more and more until I  finally left my job and home to become a renunciate from the outer reality. I just gave it up

I am a visionary/mystic  I have come to understand.  I am  accessing information from a higher dimension. I am not actually channeling, but more of a receiver-  receiving  information by “seeing” through my inner eye, cutting through the dimensions into the higher realms, and  into the consciousness state of the ONENESS,  accessing memories and information at a higher soul level. I am surrendered to Being a vessel for the Consciousness morphing and evolving into our Collective Vehicle of the Mother Matrix. It seems I, and many, many  others  like myself,  were  born blessed  with these abilities to tap into this energy field.

There are at least 12,000 Soul groups or 144,000  Souls   awakening to this information at this very  intense time at the end of a cycle  as we know it.

The name Jewel Rhajarani is a spiritual experience we are/I AM going through, more then a name of a personality.  It was given to me when I first began to realize what this was I am  experiencing.
We are I AM  the Jewel Padma Raja-Rani –  The Jewel in the Lotus–  the Male/Female merger within the DNA. We are the Merging Beloved Divinity within the very Soul of humanity. We are the Collective Consciousness of the Divine Feminine/Masculine Re~membering.  We are the Inner Diamond Heart Center of the ONENESS.

My mission is  about the merger with my Higher Self and activation of the light body, fire body, star body,  Angelic Meta Self,  WE are all  spirit all come from the same language of light. This is the coming together of the inner Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine in the interior channels of the IDA and The PINGALA into the Sushmna the Kundalini or Shakti force within.  This the  Divine Marriage of  the Royal Couple, the King/Queen of Heaven. Through this activation we bring in the New Earth,  which  is Re~Membered in the Heart of Humanity.

My life purpose is about this inner merger and Sacred Union.  I am willing to commit 100% of my Self to the New Earth mission of bringing forth the New Reality and the  Angelic Higher Self /MOTHER MATRIX  for all to see. I feel it is time to get clear about this in our hearts.



In 2009 I left my home and job as a Holistic Skin Care Practitioner in Oregon to become a renunciate of the material world-  I took a yoga/meditation teacher  training at a ashram/retreat center  figuring if I was going to do anything in this material reality it would be to teach the yoga and mediation of ascension.

While at the Ananda Ashram in Northern California,  after I finished the  Teacher Training, I stayed on to do  karma yoga.  It was then  I took these sacred vows in Dec. 2009 and have  fully dedicated my life to the awakening ever since, living, doing my inner yoga/meditation practice  quietly behind the scenes in Canada BC.

I understand, and fully accept, that the true purpose of life for all human beings is to seek God.
In pursuit of that goal, I offer my own life unreservedly to seeking my Divine Source.
I will retain no ego-gratifying goal in my life, but will strive always, and above all, to please God.
I will look upon life as God’s dream-drama, and also dream-entertainment. I will accept as His gift whatever comes to me in life.
I renounce attachment to things, people, places, and all self-definitions—except one: I will define myself always as a child of God, and will obey whatever guidance He gives me.
I offer to Thee, Lord, my life, my desires, my attachments, and the fruit of all my labors.
Bless me, and strengthen me, that I become ever more perfect in this, my holy vow.


Much love to all that are trying in their own ways to make our world a better place

ॐ namo bhagavate vāsudevāya.





2 Responses to About Jewel Rhajarani

  1. I am awed and honored by the grace and true essence of this Divine teacher……Thank you for touching my heart….Om Om Namaste Kathleen

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