Micro Vita

I’d like to share a chapter from the Booklet I put together about Micro Vita- I have used this is teachings about the understanding of energy and lifeforce- I hope you find it useful and interesting.




Chapter 11




Micro Vita is a concept brought to awareness by a East Indian Philosopher and Spiritual Teacher in the 60’s Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar. the founding figure behind Ananda Marga, he is often known by his spiritual name, Shrii Shrii Anandamurti and was affectionately referred to as Baba by his disciples He spoke of Micro Vita as the stuff in which the entire world is composed of . The world can be classified into sentient, mutative, and static. Negative microvita are static in nature, and positive microvita are sentient in nature. The mutative principle is neutral and is not an attribute or quality but only the transitory phase between sentient and static.
“Bramari” signifies the ‘Bees’ in Hindi language. It seems to me that the Bramari energy from the Bees works much like positive MicroVita in our bodies. The central heart chakra has 12 petals and it helps build the antibodies to protect humans from disease. Within this chakra resides Bhramari Devi and emits the droning notes of ‘Bees’ termed ‘Bhramaran’ as it throbs. I have a thought myself that this relates to the positive Micro Vita we come in with. It protects us from external attacks of negativities like bacteria or virus and is predominantly felt up to the age of 12 years in humans. It can take the form of positive microvita to protect us, providing the element of confidence and security.
Negative (enemy) microvita spread on their own by natural forces as we age. I believe that the negative Micro Vita are what is keeping us stuck in suffering, premature aging and negative mind states. Negative microvita generally function in the first two chakras of the lower body. Positive (friendly) microvita do not spread by natural means; they function through specially created waves, such as the effects created by meditation, thru positive intention and by spiritually evolved individuals. Negative microvita are spread through natural forces. This seems to mean that spiritually evolved persons, people with positive thoughts and intentions, prayers, good energy transmissons etc. can produce positive microvita. This statement does not seem to mean that all other people cannot produce positive microvita, but rather that positive microvita do not enter people naturally according to natural law, but need intention and thought to keep them active. To me would mean invoking the Divine Light within, the Power of the I AM, the Oneness of all that is,  for me it is  the Goddess energy I work with.
Disease is caused by negative microvita. When people take allopathic medicine to cure a disease, the medicine disturbs the ecological balance of the body because more negative microvita get concentrated at the point of the disease. Allopathic medicines do not kill diseases—diseases die by their own natural death. Although the medicine may check the disease, the increased concentration of negative microvita can overcome the effect of the medicine. In fact, the increased concentration of negative microvita caused by allopathic medicines creates many new types of diseases, and due to this, two or three new diseases are presently being created every decade.
Balancing microvita. Both negative and positive microvita should always be used towards a positive purpose, not a negative purpose. Further, there must be a balance between positive and negative microvita, like the balance between light and dark, night and day, etc. Life here as we know it is a balance between positive and negative polarities.
What occurs is that a swarm of millions (or so) of positive or negative microvita invade the chakras and enter our body, like bees attracted to flowers. They go to work on the chakras, and come in and out of the physical body through this portal. Which is one of the ways they function.
Positive and negative microvita move through “inferences of the cosmic mind,” meaning that microvita move through taste, smell, sight, touch, and sound. They may also move through the mind. Mind means the conscious mind as an entity separate from the brain. This Mind is also referred to as consciousness and may be associated with physicality or spirit. My question is this “ Is the Hive consciousness of the bee similar and related to the theory of microvita?” I am fasinated b y this concept and feel that we all actually are related to a type of gathering, hive, buzzing energy. Microvita like the Bee can either give us her sweetness and protection from her goods, or she can sting us to death with her venom.
By this path, microvita can cause a positive or negative effect on the mind, body and spirit.
-So microvita can also effect the body. Actually every part of the body, with the exception of the upper layers of the pituitary gland and the pineal gland, are affected by microvita. When negative microvita prevail over positive microvita, then disease may develop because the negative microvita can over power the positive microvita. The negative microvita can be consumed, however by increasing the numbers of positive microvita, which will then over power all the negative microvita. It is the Cosmic Dance happening right within us. Positive microvita are increased by “good thinking”, meditation, happy vibe, positive intentions and spiritual practices. Negative microvita by lower energy habits and thoughtforms.
The explanation of how certain people can cure diseases by touch is explained by positive microvita. The healer imparts positive microvita to the sick person, which acts upon the diseased person’s negative microvita.
When there is preponderance in the world of negative microvita, the world degenerates, and when positive microvita are in excess, a spiritual revolution occurs. We are now in a phase of degeneration. There is also about to occur on our planet a spiritual revolution.
This theory assumes that consciousness underlies existence and participates in creation. A macrobiotic consciousness with specific qualities participates in and directs the evolution of complex life forms. Sarkar said that plants and animals are guided by the Cosmic Mind because the consciousness in their minds is too undeveloped to guide their existence. The human mind is sufficiently evolved to guide the behavior and development of humans. It is not clear to what degree or extent the Cosmic Mind guides the life of plants and animals.
. Scientists may not feel competent about or interested in the question of the “evolution” of consciousness. Nevertheless, many scientists, such as physicists, are beginning to think in terms of the interconnection of consciousness and the physical universe. The ability to do research of this type requires some intellectual and intuitive development on the part of the scientist. Many scientists will believe that the presence of subtle entities, or organized energy fields, is unacceptable because they cannot be measured by current physical laboratories.
This may not be a skill acquired by taking a university class on Microvita 101. It could take hours of meditation, and physical and mental discipline, plus study and practice. On the positive side, skilled practitioners may be able to initiate students into this skill and jump start them, so to speak. Alternately, where individuals may have difficulty, groups of sadhakas (spiritual aspirants) meditating together may succeed in harnessing microvita in meditation, and that more positive microvita are produced in group situations with intention to evoke this positive microvita into our lives. The best way to increase microvita personally is through regular meditation, as it increases your use of the higher chakras. A person may attract positive or negative microvita by association with good or bad company or environments. People can produce positive and negative microvita which can spread to other people or even throughout the universe.”
I find this a very fascinating concept and wanted to include it in this book, as I feel that Microvita is the same thing as Life-Force energy in our way of describing this energy moving in and out of our lives.
I recommend using positive microvita in our live by evoking it through your daily meditation and thoughts. Infuse your food, products and anything in your environment with it through pure intention and calling it forth in whatever way you feel drawn to use. I have found since I started doing this a very positive energy coming into my thoughts and consciousness.

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