The Holy Spirit and The Grand Exodus

The time that is approaching for our planet and for ourselves is the time of a Grand Exodus out of what was before. You could say that it is an exodus out of density. You can say that it is an exodus out of the gross material and into pure light. It is a step by step process that we call transformation, but it is an exodus. We are beginning to leave something behind as we are beginning to accelerate into some new form of energy. Everything is energy so it is always a matter of moving into more refined and subtler energy forms.

You can call it an exodus out of matter-energy bodies into bodies where energy is what matters.  You can see it as an Exodus out of Entropy which donates a state whereby there is a limited amount of energy and an inherent degradation of energy of that leads to a state of inertia. Instead we are moving into Centrophy, which denotes an electrification of matter by amplification of Light so that the laws of entropy are left behind.  You can call it an exodus out of one dimension and into another. Or out of limitation into the limitlessness of God. You can call it an exodus out of forgetfulness into remembrance of fullness. You can call it an exodus out of time and space as you have come to know it and into an expanded reality that is beyond time and space as it has been known.

It can be called an exodus out of fear and into love, if that is your lens of awareness. It can be called an exodus out of denial of mastery into self-mastery. Or an exodus out of slow, waveforms and low frequencies into an open space of fast waveforms and high frequencies. An exodus out of slow speed into warp speed. An exodus out of a third dimensional reality base into a multi-dimensional reality base. It can be looked at as an exodus out of fragmentation into a movement into synthesis. If one looks at integrating the seven rays then, as Djwhal Khul says, it could be looked at as an end to the Seven Children crossing the street at different times and the time when the seven children (rays) hold hands and cross the street together.

Perhaps you see it as an exodus out of polarity and duality and a step forward into unity. Perhaps you see it as an exodus out of a patriarchy for Planet Earth and an entrance into the balance of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine. Certainly it feels like an exodus out of imbalance and a movement into Balance. An exodus from ignorance of God and a movement into the full embrace of God and the God within each one. Some may see it as an exodus out of the domination of the mind as an entranceway is discovered that leads to the Heart. The exodus is out of pain and confusion and unknowingness into comfort, ease, grace and awareness. Is it the exodus out of unconsciousness into consciousness which is a never ending spiral? It can be looked at as an exodus out of the desert of being alone into the Oasis of knowing that All Is One. From judgment and division into forgiveness and unity.  From Mass Consciousness into Christ Consciousness. From Old Earth into New Earth. An exodus out of the traps and pitfalls of the negative ego into the Christ Consciousness and consciousness of GOD.  It can be looked at as the exodus out of the lower self or personality into the higher self or monadic presence. The Lower realms and into the higher realms.

Exodus out of disharmony into harmony. Or exodus out of disassociation with the spiritual hierarchies and higher evolutionary beings into communion with the brotherhoods and sisterhoods of Light.

Most definitely it is an exodus out of a lower level of creation into a higher level of creation for all is constantly in a state of evolution. Within the purpose of life that is the expansion of God, inclusive of all, we find our parts to play as Divine human creation passes through the portals, doorways and energetic fields of creation into more expansive “states” of beingness. We pass into more complex geometries from simpler ones. We pass out of human suits into more cosmic

garments of light. We pass out of one body system and raise, resurrect, and ascend into higher and higher bodies within our evolutionary network.

We are surely opening up our human vibratory fields to higher and higher, subtler and more refined energy fields as we step up on Jacob’s Ladder, pass initiation after initiation, and arrive at the next platform of the Adam Kadmon.

The Open Time of the Holy Spirit and the Grand Exodus

The Time that is approaching and that we have been breathlessly waiting for is the what I call the Open Time of the Holy Spirit and the Grand Exodus. As the Holy Spirit floods the Earth with its Presence, which is the Presence of GOD carried outward and to all, the Earth and all of that which we call Creation gets enveloped in the Living Presence of the Spirit of Holiness Personified, the Shekinah, or the Feminine Face of GOD.  That is what is occurring now on Earth and as Earth is in Heaven, it affects all of Creation. It has a ripple effect. No planet is an island. No system is an island.

Everything is connected in golden and silver and rainbow fibers and even fibers that possess permeations and permutations that are beyond color. They are still connected. Everything is in wholeness, as God is.

The Holy Spirit is the Presence of God that makes God knowable and known. The Holy Spirit carries that Presence and Personality outward so that one may become Baptized “In” it, saturated within it and refreshed within God so that one might live with God. The Holy Spirit is the Water of Life Itself that washes over all levels of Creation and Manifestation so that Life can Happen. Life in God. The Holy Spirit is the energy pack that transforms the Unmanifest into the Manifest. God has two sides to it, although it is in Oneness and Wholeness. There is that which is Energetic, beyond Creation  and not Manifest. Therein lies all the “seeds” of awakening, you might say. All the seeds for what may yet come. Therein lies all the “seeds” or “sparks” that are not yet in “form” but are in formlessness of all that has ever been, is and ever will be. You, as a being of God, as a Daughter or Son of God have a “God seed packet” still in the Sea of Unmanifest God that has never left. Some call it the God Self. The Source Self. The part of you that has never “left” Source and never will leave. It is nestled within the Unmanifest, Formless Face of God that cannot be comprehended.

The Holy Spirit is the face of God that is like a wave that washes upon the shore of Creation and carries a mirror like reflection of GOD that may be knowable. At least experienceable to a degree. It is the energy face of God that moves God into all the uncountable and billions upon trillions of faces of Form within the uncountable and trillions upon trillions of levels of Creation. All these levels exist still in the Creator.  God is inclusive of all that is. Yet this Determination of GOD called The Holy Spirit possesses a quality of God Compassion, God Love and God Wisdom, and God Power that ignites and initializes the unmanifest into the manifest expression of God in life within form. The underlying truth always present is that the “Formless Energetic God of Unmanifestation” yet lives within each aspect of GOD that is brought into the arena of Form and Manifestation. The Whole of God will not be broken up and divided. The truth is that Formlessness and Form are not separate. Nothing of God is separate or separatable. God is Union and Unity. God is inseparable. And the Inseparable Part of GOD that remains in unmanifestation is never really distinguishable from the Inseparable Part of GOD that expands the Whole into manifestation. God as The One goes everywhere and IS Everywhere. God is where everything is and is in everything and is the heart of Everything that ever was, is or shall ever be.

The Time of the Holy Spirit Now Comes To Earth

To Earth now comes the Time of the Holy Spirit. And with that time that is approaching comes the Grand Exodus that has many definitions, many names, and holds many expectations. With the Time of the Holy Spirit, GOD is coming into manifestation in a deeper way because Humanity is becoming prepared for that. As Humanity prepares to cycle out of limitation and one reality that has been held on to for a long time, it gives The Holy Spirit the green light, so to speak, to assist in cycling Humanity into the manifestation of God on Earth and into overlays of many realities that occur simultaneously, without division and separation.

What serves your Exodus and what does not serve your Exodus?

The time that is coming is all about being prepared to look at your life, in your present body, on your present level of Creation and see if the way that you are living life is NOW serving you. First you need to define “who you are” but I feel that if you are reading this book, you have already begun to fill in that definition. It may be an eternal definition, but each part of it, when it is filled in brings expansion. When you look at your life and you honestly can see what serves your Exodus and what does not serve your Exodus, then you can begin to consciously cycle out of one reality and into the next. They are all already there, laid out like a grand carpet. Remember that if something once served you that does not mean that it now does. You need to be able to let go and let God. In Creation, one cycle moves into another cycle when it is ready. That is also the power of the seventh ray. One transforms into another after the preparations have been made.

you are going to be given, moment by moment by moment, certain cues about the Exodus

The time approaching that is already NOW is a time when you are going to be given, moment by moment by moment, certain cues about the Exodus. There is no such thing as being alone. We are all one. We are all one and we are really now in the trenches, so to speak. The masters want to give us Moment to Moment Guidance on a Need to Know Basis and we have the chance now to trust them, Trust GOD, and really consciously connect in to the Divine Plan unraveling and making itself known.


Could it be that we are being asked, as we begin this Grand Exodus, to literally Let Go of even that which we were clutching on to in our Last Hour?  Could it be that the most plausible and satisfying way to move out of “this time” and to move out of time itself into the “end of Time” or the “beginning of New Time” is to just allow ourselves to let go Time and all that Time appears to be attached to as far as it being real. Could it be that if we see it and work with it as “illusion” (Knowing that it is changing before our very eyes) and not avoid it or be in fear of it, but just treat it as something illusory, it could be much easier to make the transition? If certain “realities” begin to be pulled out from under us, like rugs, and we are clutching to them, we are going to feel upset and thrown off balance. If we are holding on to a

rope and it is yanked away from us, we might feel thrown off balance. Could it be that if we know that it may be yanked away and are prepared for it and not surprised by it, then perhaps we will not go into fear and we can just simply move off into the next reality that is offered to us? Could it be that if we hold on to the things that we imagine that we need we might “invent” them and “believe” that they still exist and drop ourselves into deeper and deeper Illusion?

The Holy Spirit is all about Embodying GOD. That’s what “She” does!

The Holy Spirit is all about Embodying GOD. That’s what “She” does. So within the embodiment of the GOD within us, we need to move as God moves. With surety, with precision, with the personality of GOD in Unity. God moves without friction, with a flow. And the Holy Spirit embodies the FLOW of GOD. It may feel like Water, like sweetness, but it is really a magnetic quality. It goes right into the heart and core of our “center” which is our sacred and magnetic hearts. At the core of every Universe is a vortex and a magnetic center that quickens and prepares for the exodus out of one range and into the next. I believe that the Holy Spirit is asking us to go into that magnetic quality in the heart that invokes and pulls in the guidance and love of all of the Masters and the God force. Draw the masters and angels to you through

the heart. And allow yourself to lift out and into the grand exodus. The Holy Spirit moves God onto the land. The Holy Spirit moves God into our “bodies.” We are, ourselves, vortexes of GOD. We are spirals of energy. We are great pyramids of Light and Love. We hold within us the foundation stone of GOD at our core. We are part of every other pathway. We are all connected.

The Holy Spirit is coming into the Final Eleventh Hour of this Time of Radiance very fully now to Clarify our Next Step and to Make it clear that We are OF GOD

The Holy Spirit is returning to bring not only redemption, but to help us to Embody the Return to Fullness. The Return to Awakeness and Being Alert in God. The Return to Mastery. The Holy Spirit’s Hour is upon us and it will assist us in Living in the Presence of God, breathing in the Presence of God and moving freely, as God moves, from space to space and from change to change. The Holy Spirit is coming into the Final Eleventh Hour of this Time of Radiance very fully now to Clarify our Next Step and to Make it clear that we are OF GOD. The Holy Spirit will undo our misqualified

energy if we are ready to qualify the Energy and use it for the Will of GOD. Everything is going to get crystal clear now, by the grace of the Holy Spirit, or it is going to fog up so that no-thing can be seen.

The Holy Spirit will work with us to help us command our spirits into the hands of GOD by bringing to us the Presence and Feeling Nature of the God

Since It is the Return of Mastery, it is our choice. The Master chooses wisely and always chooses. The Master is in control and is never a victim. A Master chooses every thought, every word, every feeling and every action and a Master chooses Balance. The Holy Spirit will help us with the choices that lay before us and the Deliverance of those clear choices into a path of peace everlasting. The Holy Spirit will work with us to help us command our spirits into the hands of GOD by bringing to us the Living Presence and Feeling Nature of the Living God within us. It will make the Ideal of GOD real to us, inside of us and throughout our life, illuminating God’s presence so we can move with confidence and assurance. That is what The Holy Spirit does. The Holy Spirit will help us to embody our Godhood: live it, breathe it, be

it, and demonstrate it once and for all. Because the Holy Spirit clarifies God for that is all that IS.


It is past the time of reading about it and knowing that it exists and/or that it must be done. It is beyond the time of praying for the exodus. Of hearing about it. Teaching about it. Writing about it. Dancing and creating art about it. Meditating on it and activating for it. It is time to actualize the Exodus. That is what the Holy Spirit is about. The other modalities are great and we need to continue doing them. They are for us and they are to share with others who are first igniting their consciousness. Everything goes on all at the same time. Simultaneity is the process of all levels rotating and moving all at the same time.

The Baptism of the Holy Spirit prepares us for the Grand Exodus

Let us embrace the Holy Sprit and let the Holy Spirit embody through us. Let the Holy Spirit bring God’s Presence to us and move it through us, like water. It is time for the True Baptism within the Holy Spirit. The cleansing and preparation for the Grand Exodus. We know it is coming. Now we need to prepare. Calling upon the Holy Spirit to help in the preparation is a next step for us, collectively.

That power and that glory is coming now to the Earth in a bigger way than ever before. Of course it never left. Nothing ever leaves. The Light is always there. But the Holy Spirit is entering because an entranceway has been prepared by the preparations of our Spirits. By our walk into the Holy Lands of our own Soil, our own Hearts. Our hearts are open enough to allow this. We can embrace the Presence of God now. The Holy Spirit is sincere and dedicated to moving God outward of Itself and expanding GOD. That is its job. In doing that it will clarify and destroy that which is in the way.

We are involved in an Exodus out of one Electromagnetic Field into another

Everything is energy and energy is always moving. That is a constant. Our spinal columns are a pole of energy like a spectrum. In Sanskrit that column is called “Sushumma.” In our electromagnetic bodies this column of energy runs right through the chakra column, our pole with all of the vibrant energy wheels placed upon it. Running through the chakra column is also what is called the Pranic Tube, which vivifies the chakras when prana is consciously run through the length of the tube. We are in forms because we have chosen to carry the spark of God into the Worlds of Form. Magnetic fields are said to keep things in forms. And you might say that we are involved in an Exodus out of one Electromagnetic Field into another. Our magnetics are in transition. Perhaps we are involved in an exodus out of the particular magnetics that we have become used to. The ones that have involved us in deep condensation and densification. We are moving rapidly toward purification of that density and the time where density flies off the body.

People are aware of the term Kundalini and the rise of divine energy up through the Sushumma or spinal column, running from the base chakra to the crown chakra. I read a book once that spoke about the Biblical time of Moses when he led the Jewish people out of the desert and into the “Promised Land.”

It is recorded that this event took forty years or so. I often wondered what did they do for forty years and what kind of a leader would take forty years to lead people “out of” a desert. Intuitively I began to follow a truth that said that he revealed a Promised Land to them that was internal, not only external. That he was a spiritual teacher that “led” others to the internal freedom that existed within inside of them, in the sacred heart. This takes time and makes more sense then wandering for years in a barren land.

Life without God is a barren life…but subconscious mind programming will tell us we are mad to be following this path

What I came to understand was that a life without God was a barren life. That when God is missing in one’s world and the Presence of God (the Holy Spirit) is missing, that life is empty and barren, no matter what is there. He turned his people toward truth and toward that, which was the energy of life, or God within each one. It is said that that there was much difficulty on that desert and that many of the people, although they wanted to find a Better World (within them and/or on the outside) they soon came to miss whatever they had left behind. They began to bicker and to miss the things in their lives and wonder why they were now in the desert. This is the unsteady mind that does not know how to come into quietude. The mind that is restless and begins to glamorize the things that it has left behind that held little for it when they were there. This stood for all of the addictive behaviors and attachments that the negative ego mind finds

hard to let go of. All of the subconscious mind programming that will tell you you are mad to be following this path. That will lead us right back to what never fulfilled us in the first place. The mind can stop us from entering the Kingdom of God within us because it has no faith. Because it has been the leader of your life and the one in control and now it fears that something greater and grander is coming to take charge (soul and monad).

The story goes that when they complained, black serpents came to attack them on the desert. This was the negative ego with all the old programming and old fear-based thoughtforms. One could say that the kundalini program had begun and there was a great stirring in all of the bodies of those people. And it was not easy. All I can say is that Moses must have instructed the people to keep their minds quiet and to pay attention to the Inner Reality, for afterall, that grand Exodus to the Promised Land has been recorded.

Now it is time for another Grand Exodus that is ever so more far reaching. It will be recorded galactically and universally, for when Earth and Earth Humankind complete this exodus, our entire Universe will shift and change, taking one more giant Leap Forward.

A Cliff Notes Look at Our Exodus into Ecstasy of GOD


Out of Density

Out of Gross Material

Out of Limitation

Out of Temple of Flesh

Out of Entropy

Out of Matter-Energy Based Bodies

Out of Third-Dimensional Light

Out of Limitation

Out of Forgetfullness

Out of Fear

Out of Time and Space

Out of Compression

Out of Denial of Mastery

Out of slow, waveforms and low frequencies

Out of slow speed

Out of a third-dimensional reality base

Out of fragmentation

Out of Imbalance of the Seven Rays

Out of Disharmony

Out of Division

Out of Separation

Out of Negativity

Out of Polarity

Out of Duality

Out of Disassociation with Higher Evolutionaries

Out of feeling distant from Brotherhoods and Sisterhoods of Light

Out of Mass Consciousness

Out of Lower Level of Creation

Out of Left-Brainedness

Out of Patriarchy

Out of Imbalance of Divine Masculine over Divine Feminine

Out of Judgment and Blame

Out of Ignorance of GOD

Out of Mind Domination

Out of Mass Consciousness

Out of Old Earth

Out of Sleepfulness

Out of Lower Personality or Self

Out of Dependence

Out of Karma

Out of Densification

Out of Old Patterns

Out of Negative Ego Self

Out of Wrongness with Self

Out of Self-Hate

Out of Conditional Love

Out of Adamic Humankind

Out of Separation

Out of Competition

Out of Pain of Separation

Out of One Electromagnetic Field

Out of The Desert


Into Subtle, More Refined Light

Into Higher Dimensions

Into Pure Light

Into Centropy

Into Refined-Energy Based Bodies

Into Electrification of Matter

Into Amplified Light

Into Fourth and Fifth Dimensional Light

Into Remembrance

Into Unlimitedness

Into Love

Into New Time/New Space

Into Expansion

Into Self-Mastery

Into fast waveforms and high frequencies

Into warp speed

Into a multi-dimensional reality base.

Into Synthesis

Into Unity

Into Synthesis of the Seven Rays

Into Harmony

Into Peace

Into Union

Into Communion with Higher Evolutionaries

Into Intimacy with Brotherhoods and Sisterhoods of Light

Into Christ Consciousness

Into a Higher Level of Creation

Into Androgyny (Balanced Right and Left Hemispheres of Brain)

Into Uniarchy

Into Embrace and Imbalance of Divine Feminine

Into GOD recognition

Into Forgiveness

Into Balance of Heart and Mind

Into New Earth

Into Purification

Into Density Flying Off

Into Removal of Karma

Into Awakening

Into Monadic Self

Into Sovereignty

Into The Christ

Into Rightness With Self

Into Self-Love

Into Another Electromagnetic Field

Into Unconditional Love

Into Adam Kadmon

Into Syncronicity

Into Simultaneity

Into Mutuality

Into Crown Consciousness

Into the Bliss of GOD

Into The Promised Land


by Wistancia Stone 1998

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