Mother Matrix

Spirit through us, our Sacred Self is asking us to align with the Bigger Purpose of the Planet’s rebirthing experience. WE know now that it is happening in this divine Eternal moment of NOW. Yet there is still part of us that is unable to be available in that moment with all the distractions of common life pulling us this way and that. I stop and listen internally for my next clue to what is needed by my own Soul to progress to the next level. As I open to that moment I can see the bigger picture of what is developing…Which in this moment I will attempt to describe:

I see this all coming into US through our DNA, the pineal gland, the Kundalini and the Chakra system.  It is an inside inner experience, hence the name INNERWORLD.  It is an inside job indeed!  I personally, can feel intense tingling, palpitations and fluttering in the third eye area. I see as I close my eyes a Vision of Light Sublime energy that is not describable in words. I feel as if I have made complete contact with this Mother Matrix, the Creatrix or Supreme Being. For me this feels like both male and female, yet distinctively Mother energy, so I will use the word She as I am referring to Her, Mother Matrix.

There is a Divine energy that is Merging with our Consciousness. This is the the True Awakening. The Beauty of the Soul. The MOTHER MATRIX , It is coming in thru the third eye center and moving Throughout our entire Chakra center, especially the Heart. There is a Divine Union taking place in this center, the Diamond Heart Core of the interior workings of the Mother Matrix, where the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine DNA merge as ONE.

She is Everything, everywhere. This entire Planet and all living and non-living energy on it, around it and within Billions of miles from it. She is the Entire Universe and beyond. She is in the Process of completing a Cycle where she will once again become a Whole, fully awakened Being. For some reason for folly, play or otherwise She has fragmented in to the Entire Planet and beyond, to spread her Divine Glory. In doing so She has forgotten her Sacred Power of Divinity and has been in the Process of awakening from this ‘Lila’ (Divine Play) for so long now. The time has arrived for this Awakening. Many of us beings, like myself have come to this Planet at this auspicious time to Birth her into existence. We are all part of this, as none of us could ever be separate. We are all here for this event whether we have yet to become aware of it or not. This is the Grandest most blessed time in human Herstory and we get to witness it!!!!

So this Merging is happening for all of us, yet I am aware of it and am inviting the Presence into being, as a lot of us Spiritual Pioneers are doing consciously. All’s that it takes is awareness of the process, meditation on the Oneness and surrendering of the Ego-Mind and the Pain-body as Eckhart Tolle describes in his book ‘The New Earth’.

We are creating a New Earth through the Mother Matrix. We are Transforming the one we have into Light. We are creating a Paradise on Earth beyond our current imagination. Yet if you can imagine a place of in describable beauty similar to Costa Rica, Thailand, parts of Mexico and every other beautiful Earthly Paradise you with have a small idea of Her Vision of a New Earth.

The Mother Matrix is a living consciousness that is filled with Love, joy and Light. She is seen in Music, Dance and all the Natural rhythms of life. I feel she is all about Magic and Creativity, and can use all the Modern Science, technology and human advancement in her best interest. So don’t be surprised if our new World is not totally Primitive!! It won’t be…..

But neither will it be fossil fuel driven Vehicles or Ego based lifestyles. The system will be entirely funded by Love with a capital L. Love so incredible that we will be in AWE for the first few decades I am sure. The Beauty that is created out of this love will be hard to look out without our hearts bursting open. But, believe it or not because She is us, She needs our help to manifest this Vision into our current field of reality….of course that is why she is having me write this Now. She is combining forces with Humanity and is actually being absorbed by the Totality of her Greater Being. Because just like we all are fragments of Her and each of us have an Oversoul, She is part of a Larger Oversoul as well that is gathering Her Soul Parts as well and is re-forming ….this is all happening simultaneously and coordinating perfectly to Divine Timing. We are so blessed to be part of this, believe me!

Everyday in our meditation practices we must Surrender our small, separate self, our ego, our mind and our pain-body to the Divine Mother Matrix within. Let Her be you, just in this Moment and let those moments link together as one. This is the only thing to do. That is it. But, I know some of you will ask how is this possible to let go of all that we have known to be true forever?

Go into the silence….when a thought comes up, offer it to the Divine Oneness. When thoughts of hurt pain etc, come up embrace it, don’t ignore it or pretend it doesn’t exist. Acknowledge it, embrace it and then absorb it into the Light. No need to give it any energy, but don’t resist it either, as what you resists persists. Just love it as your Lesson, and move through it as if you are a Lazer beam that penetrates matter with Light. None of those thoughts or old sub-conscious believes about yourself or this World are valid unless they are of Love and of the Light. So since the Laser beam of Love through them and let them dissolve in light.

Stay in your Heart Center, follow your Intuitive guidance and Let Spirit penetrate Matter, by getting out of your head with your old believes, ideas and thought patterns….and if you must be thinking all the Time think Virtuous Thoughts of Light and Love. When a negative thought emerges, thank it and send it on it’s way out the door. Period! Let it go the way of the Ancient Mind which is all about protection, survival and Ego. LET IT GO!

In order to be Self Mastered, however you must learn to feel your feelings ( which is your higher self speaking to you about where you are out of alignment) Feelings are all about the Female, Inuitive Self which is trying to come through, so Listen!! This is not a form of Thinking however, it is Feeling. There is a huge difference. Just listen to your Heart. For instance if your Self sends you an Intuitive Feeling like frustration for instance it is your higher Self trying to guide you to see that you are doing something that is not harmonious with what is for your best good and your Purpose for living, Something needs to shift and be revamped, or given, more attention or a different approach. When we are not listening to these Intuitive messages, they just start getting louder and more distinct. Until eventually a Railroad train has to run us down to get out attention. If you try to think about your feelings you will just put your Mind software into place which will bring up everything that you have ever done, heard, experienced in relation to that particular issue. The Mind is a defense mechanism that is holding in place all the Ancient, Antiquated memory about the human condition and when you use it to solve your problems it will tap into the field of memory. Which is not that useful except for very practical matters, such as directions to the post office, etc.

What is most important at this time in our ever changing reality is to focus on what is between you and your own Divine Beauty, your Soul Self, and then erase it moment by moment. Negative thoughts, old beliefs, small thinking, ego based patterns, addictions…these are all examples that are held in place by the Ancient Mind to keep us stuck. But the Ancient Mind is like a computer, nothing more, programmed over the millenniums to record and repeat billions of milli-second thought patterns. However they can be changed. What it takes to change thought patterns is consciousness to arise and just say no. It is only a matter of enough critical mass consciousness to make this shift in our reality.

We happen to be still working out some old Karma…these are recorded in our Ancient Mind and our consciousness as Sanskaras. A sanskara is an impression of a past event good or bad. It is created from our thoughts and actions. When you create a thought three times the pressure of that repetition will cause the Intellect to either create a picture or to create an experience of that emotion, thought or feeling. When you think a pure thought for the third time the Intellect will accept that as well. This is why we need to close the door on ordinary thoughts by clarifying them through Divine Mind. The old useless waste thinking must be put to rest and keep thoughts, mind and body pure to receive the Divine Translation.


Peace: Patience, calmness introversion, silence, serenity, stillness, centeredness

Purity: Cleanliness, authenticity, beauty, flexibility

Love: Gentleness, caring, Kindness, generosity, respect, giving, sweetness, mercy, selflessness.

Happiness: Cheerfulness, humor, lightness, contentment, spontaneity

Truth: Honesty, integrity, knowledge, understanding, clarity, light discernment

Power: Tolerance, discipline, determination, strength, creativity, stability, reliability, confidence Balance: Equanimity, fairness, resilience, wisdom

Is there a good reason why that we as a human race must live in a world that is full of pain, suffering, hunger, disease, addictions, abuse, terrorism and on and on when we know that we create our reality? Why has this gone on so long? Instead of getting together to have meetings about how to end world hunger, War etc. The world ought to be getting together to remember our ability to Create…. To merge with this aspect of our Higher Self I see as the Mother Matrix. We are our own creation/Creatrix. Why does it not look more pleasing?

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