Prepare for the Upgrade

light_being___holy_guardian_by_ciliosAs we move closer to the Galactic Center Alignment in this next few days, we can entrain our focus on an awakening of  higher consciousness within.  An upgrade.  This is it, this is now-the time, the practice,  the how, and the way we finally do it- Hold the focus on the higher frequency and awaken to it within you, that is all it takes.

As we hold this focus and let the thoughts, the doubts, the fears, the mind chatter clear, we can begin to feel, the truth of our being. Bypass the ego/mind and pain/body.  Override the personal agenda.  This is the time to accept the truth….nobody is doing this alone, we are all ONE.

It is happening as I write, this inner shift that I have longed for my entire life, and lives before that. This feeling I am currently experiencing is what many would describe as ‘Divine Union’. The Sacred Marriage or the Hieros gamos in the mystical sense – coniunctio.

In the mystical it is the understanding or experience of the unity of opposites or paradoxes, the experience of the unity that lies behind our world of duality. Our limited understanding can only see in opposites.  As in Male/Female, good/bad, right/wrong.

The coniunctio is the combination of the spirit-soul-body with the ‘unus mundus’. “The unus mundus, Latin for “One world,” is a term which refers to the concept of an underlying unified reality from which everything emerges and returns to.  It is an entrance into unity, where one experiences everything as one.

In Hinduism the individual soul unifies with Brahman, which is the ultimate reality, the all unifying principle. He is the inner being of all things. It is limitlessness and cannot be understood by our intellect, nor expressed by words.

As I get closer and closer to  awakening as this ever expanding field of consciousness that is communing with me in the innerworld I keep breathing and keeping my mind focused on that one point.  My Mantra for this time is ” I AM AWAKENING”.  I AM on the inbreath,  AWAKENING on the out breath.  Holding the focus in my meditation practice on this one thought I AM- awakening from the illusion and re-membering…..experience MYSELF as ONE.  Divine Light and Love.  This is all there is to do right now.  To hold the mind still of thoughts and focus within on the One Truth, that consciousness is all that is.  That the Earth herself, this planet is Gaia, the energy field of the Divine Mother, a living conscious Being or energy field  that we are all part of.  ONE living Mother Field of  awakening consciousness.  One Truth.

This consciousness is awakening us to remember WE are that…… that is doing this.  WE are all part of a huge waking up process and many are not even aware of what is happening on the inner planes.

Mother is awakening and upgrading to a New Earth playing field….a Mothership. We are all part of this process.

So go within, breath, clear the mind and see…..BE – I AM AWAKENING – chant, listen to inspiring music and Remember why WE are here.  That’s it!

Jewel Rhajarani  Dec 18th 2012

About rhajaranijewel

Mystic Travel and 5-D Metamorph
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4 Responses to Prepare for the Upgrade

  1. Reblogged this on bluebutterfliesandme and commented:
    I having been wanting to post and well this is what I wanted, Beautifully said.

  2. Amazing beautiful post. I reblogged it. Thank you!

  3. phillipo2211 says:

    oh what Fun this Friday could bring… 
    the End of the World..and Everything. 
    we could have a big Party and celebrate 
    the end of the end and a whole new Fate

    if the party goes on, and time runs out 
    we will have to continue if we’re still about 
    so here’s to the End, and a whole new beginning 
    the party’s not over…we got to keep singing..!


  4. Renard Moreau says:

    [ Smiles ] Fabulous message!

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